A high-performance, enterprise-grade, software for securing files and viewing FinalCode files
- Supports Windows 10 or higher
- To secure a file, FinalCode admin in your company needs to purchase FinalCode license and register you as an internal user
- After installing, authenticate with your email
It is an execution file with Active Directory integrated with Final Code.
Outlook Addin is only for encrypting files attached to an email, which please note.
And you should install Final Code Client in your pc in advance to complete a user registration.
FinalCode Network Folder Security module allows you to automatically secure files in Windows servers.
Final Code msi file is good to have if Final Code client are needed to be delivered into multiple clients at the same time.
FinalCode Brochure
FinalCode Product Brief
FinalCode for Box Product Brief
FinalCode Network Folder Security Product Brief
Managing CAD File Data Leakage Risks in Design-centric Businesses
FinalCode Overview